Sunday, 16 January 2011

The Lonely Unicorn

Once upon a time there was a herd of Unicorn’s that lived in a field behind an old farmhouse. 
Unicorns are very special creatures, for a start they are magic.  They are invisible to everyone unless they especially choose you as a friend to be able to see them.  In this herd no humans could see them as they wanted to remain hidden.
One Unicorn called Rosebud was younger than all the others and the older Unicorns wouldn’t let her join in with their Games. She was so lonely and sad that one day she decided to walk over to the farm and see if there was anyone to play with.
What she saw made her smile. It was the farmers’ daughter playing in the Garden all on her own and best of all she was pretending that she had a horse.  The Unicorn thought ‘what if I could play with that little girl and be her real horse?’ So Rosebud went close to the little girl and shook some magic Unicorn dust on to her.
The little girl couldn’t believe her eyes, standing before her was the most beautiful shinning pink Unicorn. The little girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief then said ‘are you real?’  ‘Yes’ said Rosebud ‘I saw you playing and wondered if you would like to play with me?’
The little girl shrieked in laughter and shouted ‘I would love to play with you. My name is Gracie and I am 4. Come on let’s play’.  Rosebud and Gracie played all day long; they had the best day ever. 
At dinner time Gracie’s mum came out of the house and told her to come in for dinner.  Gracie asked if her new friend Rosebud the Unicorn could come too. Her mummy said ‘don’t be silly Gracie, Rosebud isn’t real she is just pretend’.  When Rosebud heard that she shook some magic dusk onto Gracie’s mummy.
In an instant Gracie’s mummy started rubbing her eyes as she saw the most marvellous Unicorn standing right in front of her. Then she looked around the farm and saw lots and lots of Unicorns.  She nearly fell over when the Unicorn started to talk ‘I am real and I’m Gracie’s new friend’ said Rosebud.
‘Well then, you had better come for dinner. What do Unicorns eat?’ asked Gracie’s mum.
The End


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  2. My daughter is 4 years old, and she wanted to hear a story about a unicorn. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at telling stories, so I searched for stories and found yours. My daughter loves your story and asks me to read it every night. Her eyes light up every time we read about gracie being able to finally see rosebud. When she plays during the day she plays as if she is playing with Gracie and rosebud. Thank you for writing an awesome story that my 4 year old loves so much! We will be reading this one often :)

    1. Maybe you can write stories to inspire a generation who's vocabulary is bigger then four letter words.

    2. Or one that knows that "who's" is a contraction of "who is," not a substitute for "whose."

  3. Replies
    1. Unicorns eat Imaginary Stew. It is simple to fix. Just get a large bowl and imagine that there is a stew in it. Set it in front of the unicorn and watch it gobble the stew, right before your very eyes.

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  6. why didn't unicorns existed and if they were why were they instinct.

  7. why didn't unicorns existed and if they were why were they instinct.

  8. Thanks for your story about little son Anas has read the story and became excited.hope you will share more for children

  9. So many comments removed. I suppose they were unnecessary words of spite. Ugh. Hate trolls.

    Thank you for such a lovely story. its perfect for bedtime with a cute ending- reminiscent of the Tiger who came to Tea. Most importantly my four and two year old love it.

  10. My daughter loved it! Thank you for a magical story that made her smile when she wasn't feeling so well

  11. My 7YO has asked me to inquire as to what one would use to set a unicorn trap. Please be assured of his is a good trap, not intended to hurt the unicorn. Thank you!

  12. My daughter wanted a short story about a Unicorn at bedtime and yours worked a treat. ( thanks! ) She is now continuing the story on her own. It has however taken a dark turn regarding all the candy floss in Rosebuds diet and the effect that it has had on her teeth. Gracie's mother is not impressed, so they are all now having Chicken. LOL.

  13. The perfect story for my 5yo daughter on the exact day we bought her a pink unicorn stuffed toy! Thank you.

  14. Best story ever for my little sister I read this to her before bed

  15. Unicorns Eat popcorn sillies....its light and allows them to fly if they want
